Courses and Links
McGill offers a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate courses on foundations of programming languages, type systems, logic, and theorem proving. (NB: Links to course websites, if available, may point to websites for previous terms' incarnations of the courses.)
Computer Science Courses
- COMP 302: Programming Languages and Paradigms
- COMP 230: Logic and Computability
- COMP 523: Language-based Security
- COMP 524: Theoretical Foundations of Programming Languages
- COMP 525: Formal Verification
- COMP 527: Logic and Computation
- COMP 599: Certified Proofs and Programs (Special Topics)
- COMP 762: Advanced Topics Programming 1 (Computation and Deduction))
- COMP 627: Theoretical Programming Languages
Related Courses
- MATH 318: Mathematical Logic (course website)
- PHIL 310: Intermediate Logic (course website)
- PHIL 685: Fundamentals of Logic
Logical Frameworks
Automated Theorem Proving
- TPTP Problem Library
- ILTP Problem Library
- Roy Dyckhoff's benchmark formulas for intuitionistic propositional logic